Welcome to Joint Annual Meeting 2024!

You are in for an exciting conference together as we worship God, conduct the business of the
conferences, and consider how to best live into the unlimited forbearance, trust, hope and
endurance of love. Our prayer is that you will be inspired, reawakened, empowered and
connected for the Holy work together.

On this webpage you will find all of the information and Zoom links to participate in Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) 2024!

We are so excited that you will be joining us for this special event.

JAM 2024 Schedule of Events

Plese see the Schedule of Events to the right for when and what is taking place at JAM on Friday, September 27th and Saturday, September 28th.

Join the activities!

Below you will find the Zoom links for meetings, speakers, and all activites taking place at JAM.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Welcome and Opening Worship

Friday, September 27
5:00pm CT

Join with us as we begin the conference together worshipping God. May you be inspired, reawakend, empowered and connected for the Holy work together this weekend.

Passcode: 13130

Keynote Speaker: Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson

Friday, September 27
7:15pm CT

A time to hear from our General Minister and President of the United Church of Christ.

Passcode: 13130

Saturday, September 28, 2024

State of the Conferences

Saturday, September 28
8:30am CT

An update on what has been going on at the Conference level and hear from the wider church settings.

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Workshop 1

Saturday, September 28
9:15am CT

Join Rev. Beth Long-Higgins who will lead a workshop on The Fountain of Wisdom: An Expanded Approach for Ministry with All who are Aging.

Passcode: 13130

Annual Meeting for Iowa

Saturday, September 28
9:15am CT

This is where we make yearly decisions so the board has the ability to further the mission and vision of the conference throughout the rest of the year.

Passcode: 13130

Workshop 2

Saturday, September 28
9:15am CT

Join Rev. Stephanie Perdew, Ph.D. who will be leading a workshop on Planning Worship Without a Pastor.

Passcode: 13130

Annual Meeting for Nebraska

Saturday, September 28
10:45 am CT

This is where we make yearly decisions so the board has the ability to further the mission and vision of the conference throughout the rest of the year.

Passcode: 13130

Workshop 2

Saturday, September 28
10:45am CT

Join Rev. Stephanie Perdew, Ph.D. who will be leading a workshop on Planning Worship Without a Pastor.

Passcode: 13130

Workshop 1

Saturday, September 28
10:45am CT

Join Rev. Beth Long-Higgins who will lead a workshop on The Fountain of Wisdom: An Expanded Approach for Ministry with All who are Aging.

Passcode: 13130

Workshop 2

Saturday, September 28
1:15pm CT

Join Rev. Stephanie Perdew, Ph.D. who will be leading a workshop on Planning Worship Without a Pastor.

Passcode: 13130

Workshop 1

Saturday, September 28
1:15pm CT

Join Rev. Beth Long-Higgins who will lead a workshop on The Fountain of Wisdom: An Expanded Approach for Ministry with All who are Aging.

Passcode: 13130

Annual Meeting for South Dakota

Saturday, September
1:15pm CT

This is where we make yearly decisions so the board has the ability to further the mission and vision of the conference throughout the rest of the year.

Passcode: 13130

Closing Worship

Saturday, September 28
2:45pm CT

A time of deep breathing and reflecting over the last two days. To celebrate with each other and to worship together what we have learned and what we will take with us to facilitate change.

Passcode: 13130