Dual Standing

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a partner in a multi-lateral Full Communion agreement called the Formula of Agreement with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and the Reformed Church in America. The Formula of Agreement includes mutual recognition and a process for orderly exchange of clergy.

When an ordained minister from a denomination in the Formula of Agreement is called to serve for a season in a ministry setting of the UCC, they may seek Dual Standing from the Committee on Ministry where the ministry setting is located. Dual Standing is a temporary standing in the UCC, valid only for the duration of the call.

When applying for Dual Standing, is expected that the minister can verify good standing with their originating denomination, can articulate the history, theology and polity differences between the two denominations, can demonstrate capacity to function in and appreciate the UCC, and is familiar with the UCC Ministerial Code and the Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers. These expectations are demonstrated to the Committee on Ministry during the Dual Standing application process and in conversation with the Committee. When submitting your application, please compile all forms into a single PDF document and send as one file.

Iowa Conference

Application for Dual Standing in the Iowa Conference

When submitting your application, please compile all forms into a single PDF document and send as one file.

Nebraska Conference

Application for Dual Standing in the Nebraska Conference 

When submitting your application, please compile all forms into a single PDF document and send as one file.

South Dakota Conference

Application for Dual Standing in the South Dakota Conference

When submitting your application, please compile all forms into a single PDF document and send as one file.

Essential Dual Standing Resources:


  • Explore more about what it is to be UCC and enroll in a course that will meet the requirements for Dual Standing
  • All persons seeking ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ are required take boundary awareness training for clergy
  • An outline of the complex combination of talents, understandings, and skills needed for ministerial leadership in the United Church of Christ.
  • All persons with ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ are expected to abide by the UCC Ministerial Code.