Our Staff and Offices

In order to take advantage of the efficiency of current technology and to streamline our stewardship of human resources in our conferences’ ministries, one team of people serves the three, separate Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota UCC Conferences. Our individual conferences may also employ separate staff for ministries that are embedded in the conferences. Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of each staff member to best determine who can support you.

Staff members are working remotely. Staff is generally available from 8:00am – 4:30pm CT Mondays through Thursdays and from 8:30am – 12:00pm CT on Fridays. Our holiday schedule is listed on our calendar page. So that you are quickly connected with the staff member best suited to help you, please check the roles and responsibilities of our staff members and reach out to us individually before calling either of the offices.

Des Moines Office

c/o Plymouth UCC

4126 Ingersoll Ave.,
Des Moines, IA 50312


Sioux Falls Office

300 S. Minnesota Ave.

c/o First Congregational Church UCC

Attn:  Jane Estrada
Sioux Falls, SD 57104


Ministerial Staff:

Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences

Rev. Phil Hart – Interim Executive Conference Minister

Pronouns: he/him

Phil Hart is the youngest child of John and Carolyn Hart. He was born and raised on a small farm outside of Columbus, Ohio and started preaching to the cows and chickens when he was 8. Officially Phil has been in ministry for about 32 years, beginning as a local pastor when he was in college. Phil’s education includes a degree in psychology and three master’s degrees (Master of Divinity, Master of Theology, Master of Communications). He has served in 9 Conferences across the United Church of Christ over the last 16 years. Phil is also a licensed social worker, a certified mediator, has been a professor of theology and communication, consultant and local pastor. He enjoys traveling, reading, movies and the outdoors.  

Want to connect or have a question? Contact Rev. Hart via email.

Rev. Kendy Miller – Associate Conference Minister

Pronouns: she/her

Kendy serves as a Designated Term Associate Conference Minister for the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences. She is a generalist who approaches the work as “one who accompanies” the local churches and authorized ministers in their ministries. She assists with churches in Search and Call, supports Members in Discernment, Iowa’s Conference Committee on Authorized Ministry (CCAM) and assists churches with conflict resolution, general support, and guidance when requested. Kendy is a trained spiritual director which supports her work with congregations and pastors.

Kendy is proud to be a new “Avi” (grandma) and enjoys fishing and being on the water.

Contact Rev. Miller via email or phone at 515.669.5243.

Rev. Corey Larson –  Associate Conference Minister
Committee on Ministry (COM)

Pronouns: he/him

Corey accepted a position as the Emergency Medical Services Director for the city of Iowa Falls. Corey has served throughout the UCC including local church pastor, chair of Committee on Ministry, delegate and then staff at General Synod, and many other positions. Corey considers himself something of a “polity nerd” (his words) and is excited to work with the TCM and our Committees on Ministries.

Contact Rev. Larson via email.

Rev. Jeff Hagaman – Associate Conference Minister
Search and Call

Pronouns: he/him

Jeff Hagaman is a newly retired clergy, having served First Congregational in Crete for 19 years. He lives in Crete, NE with his wife Ann and two dogs. Originally from Illinois, Jeff attended United Theological Seminary and lived in Minnesota for a time. He spends as much time outside as possible.

Contact Jeff via email or phone at 402-826-1187.

Rev. Shonda Deranleau – Resource Deacon

Pronouns: she/her

Reverend Shonda Deranleau has joined our staff as Tri-Conference Resource Deacon. What does a Resource Deacon help with?

Where do I find?   How do I go about?   Who do I contact?

In need of resources that will assist you as clergy and lay leaders or have resources that might be helpful to other clergy and lay leaders? 

Contact Shonda via email or give her a call at 641-344-8948.

Support Staff:

Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences

Jane Estrada –  Administrative Support

Pronouns: she/her

Jane serves as our Sioux Falls Office connection and supports Ministerial staff in the areas of COM and Search and Call. Jane is the lead on annual reviews and our connection to data hub yearbook reporting. For questions regarding Search and Call resources, practices. Are you a local church seeking leadership or a pastor seeking a call?

Contact Jane via email or via cell phone (605) 774-3530 or through the South Dakota office number (605) 338-8738. 

Kim Springer – Executive Assistant

Pronouns: she/her

Kim is our Des Moines office connection, working in all areas of the business office. Serves as the assistant to Conference Minister, Tri- Conference Executive Committee, Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Board of Directors.

For assistance or questions on the business side of things, please contact Kim via email or via cell phone at(515) 809-7775. As Kim manages our Des Moines office, you can also reach her through that office phone: (515) 277-6369.

Tami Spindler – Communications Specialist

Pronouns: she/her

Tami will be serving as our Communications Specialist. Do you have information or an event that you need to get communicated on Fast Five or the UCC TCM website? Send it on to her and she will get it shared.

Contact Tami via tami@ucctcm.org or newsandevents@ucctcm.orgBe sure and to include the Who, What, Where and Why.

Placerville Camp Staff:

South Dakota Conference

Kerry Steever – Placerville Camp Director

Pronouns: he/him

Kerry manages Placerville Camp operations which include administration, promotion, booking, maintenance, camp program coordination, summer staff recruitment, cooking, and hospitality. Have general questions about Placerville Camp or registration for their events and programs? Contact Kerry via email or phone at 605.342.1390

Want to learn more about Kerry’s work at Placerville Camp? Visit the Placerville Camp website or Facebook page.