Clergy Coffee Hour


Clergy Coffee Hour is a time for clergy in our Conferences to connect and visit online! Clergy Coffee Hour happens weekly on Thursdays at 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT and […]


Installation of Pastor Jessie Lent

Mayflower Congregational UCC and First Congregational UCC

Please join Mayflower Congregational UCC and First Congregational UCC in celebrating the Installation of Pastor Jessie Lent! There will two celebrations on February 17th, one at each congregation. Mayflower Installation […]

Contemplative Practice

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Join us for the next session of Contemplative Practice! These gatherings will be hosted on Zoom by ACM Rev. Kendy Miller on Monday mornings, February 20th through April 3rd from […]


Clergy Coffee Hour


Clergy Coffee Hour is a time for clergy in our Conferences to connect and visit online! Clergy Coffee Hour happens weekly on Thursdays at 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT and […]


Contemplative Practice

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Join us for the next session of Contemplative Practice! These gatherings will be hosted on Zoom by ACM Rev. Kendy Miller on Monday mornings, February 20th through April 3rd from […]


Clergy Coffee Hour


Clergy Coffee Hour is a time for clergy in our Conferences to connect and visit online! Clergy Coffee Hour happens weekly on Thursdays at 12:00pm CT / 11:00am MT and […]
