Spiritual Directors

Rev. Teresa Blythe
Connection: Virtual
I am an ordained UCC clergy and full-time spiritual director and trainer of spiritual directors. My training is from the San Francisco Theological Seminary’s Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction, and I ran the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in Tucson for over 14 years. I work with people from all walks of life, but especially enjoy working with clergy, chaplains and spiritual directors.

Rev. Dr. Martha Brunell
Connection: Virtual
Email Martha
Cell: 314.607.4852
Martha Brunell is a seasoned spiritual director, writing group facilitator, and retreat and workshop leader. She works with diverse directees across the country and is particularly attentive to our internal knowing, creative expression, embodied spirituality, and earth relatedness as these all support wholeness and compassion. In addition, she is a soul collage facilitator, an advanced, certified labyrinth facilitator, and is currently training through the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy to become a certified ANFT Forest Therapy Guide.

Devoree Crist
Connection: Virtual
Dr. Devoree Crist (she/her) is a Spiritual Director and a retired physician with Masters degree in Theological Studies from EdenTheological Seminary, and a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis. Her ministry and life are rooted in the understanding that God is actively present in life. She is a multicultural woman committed to respecting and upholding the inherent value of all people. She feels particularly called to helping clergy walk with the Holy in their ministry.

Rev. Becky David
Connection: Virtual
Becky, the founding owner of Black Pearl Coaching, has over 25 years of experience in companioning individuals and systems toward a more fulfilling, creative, and abundant way of being in the world. Certified in Spiritual Direction, Coaching, and the Enneagram, Becky creates an inspiring and life-changing experience for her clients.

Mind and Spirit Counseling Center
Connection: Virtual and In Person (Des Moines, IA)
Email the Mind & Spirit Counseling Center
Visit their website
Phone: 515.274.4006
Mind & Spirit Counseling Center provides high quality mental health services to people from all walks of life, including those who are uninsured, underinsured or from low-income households. We draw upon the unique talents of professionals from the counseling, theological, and bioenergetic disciplines. We work together to restore the whole person: mind, body, and spirit. We can offer you – or someone you know – help to cope with the challenges of life, grow toward spiritual and emotional maturity, and strengthen personal relationships.

Rev. Karen Nichols Dungan
Connection: Virtual
Email Karen
Phone: 515.442.5850
Karen is a graduate of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities and has served as pastor to United Methodist congregations all over Iowa, and on the conference staff as a district superintendent and Assistant to the Bishop for Connectional Ministries. She is a trained and certified Spiritual Director, and is also a trained and denominationally-approved Transitional Intentional Interim Ministry Specialist. Her passion in ministry is assisting the people she works with to grow closer to God and one another, helping them find the resources and make the connections they need to be able to grow in their faith, ministry and leadership.

Greg Foraker
Connection: Virtual
My practice is centered in prayer and contemplative listening. I welcome clergy, therapists and lay people form diverse multi-faith settings and spiritual practices, and those who are not affiliated with a particular tradition. An Episcopal priest, I also train and supervise spiritual directors, and lead workshops and retreats in diverse ecumenical and interfaith settings. I am wholeheartedly open and affirming of LGBTQiA persons.
Kimberly Gottier
Connection: Virtual
Kimberly has experience with divorce, widowhood, addiction, death, and LGBTQ issues.

Rev. Nicole Havelka
Connection: Virtual
Email Nicole
Visit Nicole’s website
Nicole supports pastors and church leaders finding the right way to lead during uncertain times. Nicole’s individualized one-on-one sessions includes thoughtful, structured discussion and a personalized combination of mindfulness practices such as prayer, meditation, yoga, and reiki, to support each client through their discernment process. Whether you’re looking to renew your sense of call, discern your next steps, or learn more about time management and healthy self-care practices, Nicole’s long experience with church leaders will help you thoughtfully discern your way forward. No cookie cutter solutions here.

Jeanne Johnson
Connection: Virtual and In Person (Lincoln, NE)
Throughout my time as an educator, elementary school counselor, spiritual director and licensed lay minister I have sought to help people be their best self. I love stories and welcome hearing yours. Listening is my love language.

Rev. Katherine Mulhern
Connection: Virtual
Email Katherine
Phone: 563.370.3384
After serving as a pastor in the Iowa Conference for 25 years, Katherine retired and trained to be a Spiritual Director at Columbia Theological Seminary. She is a contemplative at heart, and it is a great joy to her to companion folks as they search for a deeper relationship with God’s holy presence. In recent times, she has chosen to work primarily via Zoom.

Amanda Petersen
Connection: Virtual
Amanda has experience in divorce and other big shifts in relationships.

Aaron Rogers
Connection: Virtual
Ordained in the Methodist tradition, Aaron Rogers has served as a pastor, activist, preacher and teacher for 13 years. He has provided pastoral leadership for churches in Illinois, Missouri, New York, and New Jersey. Aaron draws inspiration from the contemplative practices of Howard Thurman, Benedictine Spirituality, and Ignatian Spirituality. Aaron is passionate about spirituality connected to social justice, vocational discernment, and group spiritual formation. Aaron is a trained spiritual director and has a Master of Divinity from Eden Theological Seminary. Aaron is married to Trina Rogers and has two daughters, Olivia and Cameron.

Tricia Vogt
Connection: Virtual
I help people navigate to deep vitality, purpose and joy. As we attend together to the voice of God/Spirit embedded in life’s demands, disappointments and heartbreaks, we discover what is vibrantly alive and true in ourselves, and find freedom and possibility. I am especially interested in contemplative spirituality, negotiating the liminal spaces of transition and loss, and tending our life stories. I come to spiritual direction practice with 30 years of corporate and non-profit leadership experience. My personal style is wholehearted, insightful and practical, seasoned with a touch of humor. I am married, have two grown children, one personable cat, and recently moved to Boise, ID.

Rev. Paul Witmer
Connection: Virtual
Ordained in the UCC, Paul Witmer has served as a pastor for more than 30 years in rural and suburban settings, including a new church start in the 90s here in Iowa. He has extensive experience teaching contemplative practices, leading retreats, and working with folks in twelve-step recovery. A trained Spiritual Director, Paul also works with many in developing deep listening skills and growing on the spiritual journey, which has included many years of teaching and leading with the Prairiefire program. As an artist and musician, Paul is especially drawn to the arts as creative expression and experience of the Divine.
Paul currently serves as Lead Pastor with Women at the Well, a prison congregation of the United Methodist Church at the Iowa women’s prison in Mitchellville, Iowa. Paul is a graduate of Southwestern University (Georgetown, TX) and Eden Seminary (St. Louis, MO). He resides with his wife in Urbandale, and between them they have five grown children and three grandchildren.