The transformative leadership initiative of the Pension Boards called the Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGLI) is accepting applications for their 11th cohort! NGLI equips, energizes, and empowers younger UCC local church pastors to build vibrant congregations that change lives and further God’s mission in the world.

Notice of intent to apply is February 1st.

The ideal candidate as someone who is:

  • 35 years of age or under by June 1, 2020
  • Authorized for ministry in and on behalf of the UCC by an Association/Conference
  • Served a total of five years or less as an authorized minister in a parish
  • Hold a called position of 20 hours per week or more in a parish setting
  • Committed to long-term ministry in local churches of the UCC

Those selected to participate in NGLI receive…

  • Six years of advanced training, education, and field trips to hone pastoral leadership skills and gifts for service to the Church
  • Cohort of colleagues that encourages, challenges, and reflects together on the life of a local church pastor in these rapidly changing times
  • Financial incentive—a $6,000 seed contribution to the participant’s Annuity Plan account, which should have a value of approximately $46,000 at the end of a 35-year career

More information on the application process:

More information on the program: