Be Part of the Movement
An Anti-Racist Church is the United Church of Christ’s (UCC) designation for congregations, campus ministries, conferences, and other settings in the UCC which make a public, collective commitment to the continual and ongoing work to actively understand, identify, and dismantle racism wherever they find it, including in themselves. Anti-racist churches are inspired by the example of Jesus, to be spiritually grounded, engaged in self-reflection, grow in awareness of systems of power and oppression, and challenge the status quo so that all may experience love, safety, belonging, and dignity.
The Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences celebrate their commitment to be Anti-Racist Conferences of the UCC. They invite all congregations to join in this holy work, encourage all churches to create and participate in Brave Spaces for discernment and learning, and hope all will embrace these or similar covenants in their local church.
What’s the Next Step?
As you discern your congregation’s next faithful step, consider these invitations:
- Connect with a Collaborating Partner
- Join Open Conversations for Anti-Racist Congregations in the Making
- Participate in “White Privilege: Let’s Talk”
- Connect into Sacred Conversations to End Racism
- Explore additional Anti-Racist Church Resources to inspire your next faithful step
White Privilege: Let’s Talk
White Privilege: Let’s Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue is an adult curriculum from the United Church of Christ that’s designed to invite church members to engage in substantive and bold conversations on race.
Through readings, videos, conversations, and activities, this curriculum is a concerted effort to enable allies to learn to talk about race, to illuminate how white people in America, regardless of their economic stratum and in a myriad of ways, receive privileged consideration simply because they are white, and to invite people and communities to discern what their next faithful step will be in joining alongside leaders in anti-racist movements.
Use the following resources to facilitate discussion with your congregation and small groups:
More Resources for Becoming an Anti-Racist Church
Collaborating Partners
The Conference’s Collaborating Partners are available to help your congregation with creating Brave Space, moving towards being an inclusive church, and striving to be an anti-racist church. They collaborate with leaders via phone or video conference to help a church create a culture for Brave Space, plan, answer questions and dialogue about best practices and resources, build momentum, and expand programs for learning and action. Request to be connected with a Conference Collaborating Partner by emailing [email protected] or by calling the Conference Office 515-277-6369.