Clergy Circles of Support

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

The Group: Would you like some support for your spirit and the work of ministry? Join our new virtual spiritual direction group for clergy with the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center! You will care for each other, nurture your own spirits and offer space to share about the joys and challenges of ministry during these […]


Registration Deadline for “The Healing Language of Dreams”

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

The Workshop: All people dream but many people do not know how to understand these messages. This workshop with the Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center (DMPCC) is an opportunity to both learn about dreams from a Jungian perspective and to interact with your own dreams and the dreams of others. Dreams provide opportunities for us […]


Rev. Melissa Finlaw Draper’s Retirement Celebration

Northeast UCC 6200 Adams Street, Lincoln, NE, United States

You are invited to Rev. Melissa Finlaw Draper's 40 year of Ministry and retirement celebration! It will be held in person at Northeast UCC in Lincoln, NE on March 13th from 10:30am to 2:30pm CT. All attendees will be required to wear masks and hand sanitizer will be available. Rev. Melissa requested that you bring […]

Retirement: What’s Next?

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Transitioning from being an active pastor to retired takes many forms and no two of us navigate it exactly the same way. From great joy to deep grief, we have real experiences of what it's like to no longer shepherd a flock, or lead worship, or live through Lent and Holy Week and Christmas. Join […]


Webinars for Congregational Well-Being: Congregational Discernment

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

As congregations, we find ourselves at a crossroads sometimes; when a pastor leaves, when numbers dwindle, when "the way we've always done it" no longer works. When we encounter these times, we are invited, as people of faith, to discern our next faithful steps. Often we make quick and logical decisions without doing the slow […]


Conversations on Ministry in Rural Settings

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Please join Judicatory, Pastors, and Laity from around the UCC for a monthly conversation on ministry in rural settings hosted by the national setting of the UCC. Whether you've joined in before or this is your first time, you are invited the first Tuesday of every month via Zoom from 4:00pm until 5:30pm ET. Zoom […]
