Clergy Boundary Training

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Framed through the lens of clergy health and wellness, join in for a not-so-typical clergy boundary training. Through both presentations and small group collaborative learning, participants will focus on several key areas for balance and wellbeing in their ministry. Areas of focus include: Dealing with difficult people Tools for mindfulness and spiritual disciplines Compassion fatigue, […]



Contemplative Practices for Lent

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Lent is a season of helping our congregations look inward and opening to God's extravagant love. As we encourage our congregations to do this, we must, ourselves be nourished spiritually. "Contemplative Practices for Lent" is space offered in community for us to practice one aspect of what we preach in this season. For the Lenten […]



Retirement: What’s Next?

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

Transitioning from being an active pastor to retired takes many forms and no two of us navigate it exactly the same way. From great joy to deep grief, we have real experiences of what it's like to no longer shepherd a flock, or lead worship, or live through Lent and Holy Week and Christmas. Join […]


Webinars for Congregational Well-Being: Congregational Discernment

Congregational UCC Humboldt, IA

As congregations, we find ourselves at a crossroads sometimes; when a pastor leaves, when numbers dwindle, when "the way we've always done it" no longer works. When we encounter these times, we are invited, as people of faith, to discern our next faithful steps. Often we make quick and logical decisions without doing the slow […]
