Member in Discernment

When a member of a United Church of Christ (UCC) congregation begins to feel called to ordained ministry, there is a formal discernment process that connects them both to the Local Church and the Wider Church. They work with both their Local Church and a Wider Church Committee dedicated to working with those in discernment. A member of a Local Church who is approved by an Association’s or Conference’s Committee on Ministry to enter a discernment relationship towards ordination is called a Member in Discernment (MID).

Someone is a MID until they are approved for ordination, pending call.

Ordained Ministers are authorized to serve and to lead on behalf of the UCC and the Church Universal, a ministry that encompasses the fullest range of leadership ministries: priestly and prophetic, representative and servant. They are called to embody the love of God for the world and to proclaim the good news on behalf of the Church, personally and publicly pointing the Church to its dependence on Jesus Christ, the source of its faith, mission, and unity.

The policies and practices for MID Ministerial Standing are specific to each association and/or conference. Click below on your association or conference to learn more about the MID process and to access necessary documents throughout the process. When submitting your application, please compile all forms into a single PDF document and send as one file.

The FIRST STEP in this process is to connect with Associate Conference Minister, Kendy Miller, via email to learn about Discernment Resources and Training.

Dakota Association, Committee on Ministry

Documents coming soon!

Essential Member in Discernment Resources:


  • Explore more about what it is to be the UCC and enroll in a course that will meet the requirements for Dual Standing.
  • Find resources to help equip the Local Church for discernment alongside the candidate.

The Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers of the UCC

  • An outline of the complex combination of talents, understandings, and skills needed for ministerial leadership in the United Church of Christ.

UCC Ministerial Code

  • All persons with ministerial standing in the United Church of Christ are expected to abide by the UCC Ministerial Code.

Journaling the Journey

  • A creative workbook for engaging and reflecting upon the Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers in one’s own ministry.

Discernment Travelogue

  • A resource for spiritual journeys, discernment, and decisions made along the way. Copies are also available through the conference office.

Marks Rubric

  • An assessment tool for those in discernment, their mentors, and committees. The tool uses the Marks for discernment in reflecting on formation for ministry and identifying areas for further growth.