Welcome to the first “Rooted and Grounded in Love: Leaders of Extravagant Welcome and Justice”. This is one of our conference’s ways of expressing immense gratitude and awe for the hard work and unique ministry of our pastors and churches in these trying times. Today we lift up Rev. Mary Beth Mardis-LeCroy and her work with St. Paul’s UCC in Madrid, IA and Plymouth Congregational UCC in Des Moines, IA. She has been serving in the UCC and these congregations for 9 years.

‘Being the church’ means extending grace to one another, thinking outside the box, being honest with how we are really doing, and, as always, trying to see where God is leading us.

Rev. Mary Beth Mardis-LeCroy

Moving church out of the sanctuary has provided new ways of connecting for the congregations served by Rev. Mardis-LeCroy. Members are creating Facebook accounts and learning how to use it in order to stay connected, a big step for some in the ever-changing technological world. Rev. Mardis-LeCroy has started leading a “Psalm and a Song” prayer/meditation on Facebook Live every Monday-Thursday from 9:00 to about 9:10. She reads a Psalm and then performs a song with voice and guitar that echos some of the themes of the Psalm. “My congregation really loves this,” shared Rev. Mardis-LeCroy, “I think it is because it is simple, and short, and many say helps them start their day. They can also check in with each other in the comments. I feel a lot of joy in watching folks connect with each other, even “just” in the comments during a Facebook Live session. They are clearly delighted to be in the same space, even virtually.”

What does it mean to be church in these trying times? Rev. Mardis-LeCroy reflected, “‘Being the church’ means extending grace to one another, thinking outside the box, being honest with how we are really doing, and, as always, trying to see where God is leading us.” And in relation to the Conference’s WHY Statement Rev. Mardis-LeCroy shared, “I believe our ministry is especially leaning into the “love, safety and belonging” piece for our statement. We are trying to love one another through consistent connection. We are striving to keep ourselves and our neighbors safe by virtual gatherings and phone calls. We are reminding ourselves and anyone with ears to hear that, in God, we ALL belong…. even virtually!”

Rev. Mardis-LeCroy leads online “Psalm and a Song”

“The Most Reverent Mary Beth is a beacon of strength in terms of offering her voice to the ministry of the Iowa conference,” said Associate Conference Minister Rev. Samantha Houser. “Always willing to wear her heart n her sleeve and lead with healthy vulnerability Rev Mary Beth exudes what it is to have a pastoral heart.”

Thank you Rev. Mary Beth Mardis-LeCroy and the work of St. Paul’s UCC and Plymouth Congregational UCC!

“Rooted and Grounded in Love: Leaders of Extravagant Welcome and Justice” is a space to lift up and give thanks for leaders in our conferences who are leading with love and safety amidst the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic.