Donate to the Iowa Conference
Join us in the vibrant and transformative ministry of the Iowa Conference. Your generosity helps us BE Church together as we live into God’s extravagant welcome and advocate for justice so that all may know love, safety, belonging and dignity.

Want to make your 2024 donation by check or by mail? Great! Download the remittance form for churches or the remittance form for individuals, print it, and send it in by mail along with a check made out to the Iowa Conference. Mailing address: UCC Conferences, c/o Plymouth Church, 4126 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50312.
Donations for 2024 5 for 5 contributions must be postmarked by January 10th, 2025. Donations for 2024 must be postmarked by December 31, 2024.
Donations by credit card or check (less than $1000) can also be made online via the form to the left.
Support the Ministry of the Iowa Conference and the Wider United Church of Christ
Friends of the Conference (Shared) – Our Church’s Wider Mission
Provides funding for the Iowa Conference and the national ministries of the UCC (66% of the funds remain in Iowa and 34% are remitted to the UCC national setting).
Friends of the Conference (Unshared) – Our Church’s Wider Mission
Provides funding to Conferences and the national ministries of the UCC (all funds support the ministries of the Iowa Conference).
UCC Special Offering – Christmas Fund
Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties.
UCC Special Offering – Neighbors in Need
Supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM), justice and advocacy, and direct service projects supported by Justice and Local Church Ministries.
UCC Special Offering – One Great Hour of Sharing
Channels resources for international programs in health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries, and international and domestic disaster response.
UCC Special Offering – Strengthen the Church
STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC does not have a strong presence. It also provides support for existing church’s new initiatives. 50% remains in the Iowa Conference and 50% is remitted to UCC national setting.
CUE Mid-America Seminaries (Chicago, United, and Eden Seminaries)
CUE brings together over 2,000 UCC churches in mid-America, Local Church Ministries, and Chicago, United, and Eden Theological Seminaries (the three UCC seminaries in this region).
Iowa Conference Thank Offering
Grants from the Thank Offering Fund help support social service or community service projects which further the ministry of one or more local churches.
Funding Future Leadership: Scholarships for Ministry Preparation
FFL Scholarships support the educational formation of new generations of ministers.
Iowa Disaster Relief
Donations to this campaign support short-term assistance, but especially in the long-term recovery of communities, churches, and individuals affected by natural disasters in Iowa.
National UCC Disaster Relief
The UCC’s National Disaster Ministries (NDM) helps with short-term assistance, but especially in the long-term recovery of communities, churches, and individuals affected by natural disasters in the U.S. and abroad.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) Endowment
The One Great Hour of Sharing Endowment Fund is not intended to compete with the regular annual giving of congregations or individuals nor to diminish the opportunities for responsible stewardship in the present or in the future. Rather it is to enable long-term stability for the UCC’s systemic and relational participation in disaster recovery, sustainable development and refugee relief.
Want to send your donation by mail? Download the remittance form for churches or the remittance form for individuals, print it, and send it in by mail along with a check made out to the Iowa Conference. Mailing address: UCC Conferences, c/o Plymouth Church, 4126 Ingersoll Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50310.
Want to donate to another conference? Visit the donate pages for the Nebraska Conference or the South Dakota Conference.