Visioning Process Results in Inspiring Why Statement

The Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Boards of Directors unveiled its Why Statement at the Joint Annual Meeting June 14th-16th in Omaha. The Why Statement articulates the purpose of the conferences and will help guide future decisions. The statement reads:...

No Longer Strangers Digest

My medical journey 2018-19, A reflection by Ben D. Anderson, commissioned minister of disability education and advocacy “No Longer Strangers Digest” Today marks three years since I was commissioned as a commissioned minister for disability education and...

Welcome to our New Communications Specialist

We are pleased to welcome Aidan Spencer to the TCM staff as our new Communications Specialist. Aidan’s work with the UCC includes communicating the happenings and mission of the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences through event publicity, newsletter...

Dis-empowering Loss with Gratitude

Disempowering Loss With Gratitude “I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The LORD gave me what I had, and the LORD has taken it away. Praise the name of the LORD!” -Job 1:21 Over the past month I have visited both churches where I was...

Highlights from the September Nebraska BOD Meeting

On September 6th and 7th the Board of Directors of the Nebraska Conference and our Tri-Conference staff joined together for a Board retreat in Schuyler at the beautiful Benedictine Retreat Center. Friday afternoon and evening were spent discussing needs and...

Grow Your Church with MissionInsite

The Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota Conferences are excited provide to our local churches — free of charge — access to the powerful MissionInsite tool which helps your church discover and interpret demographic data that will help you plan new ministries relevant to...

We Are All Artists

I am an artist. It has been a hard thing to claim because it isn’t my profession, but it is one of my callings in this life. To create. In fact, I believe that we are all artists in some capacity. Creating with various mediums the feelings that we have, the change we...

Listening, Gathering, and Paying Attention

Grace and peace, dear saints of the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota Conferences. I pray that whether it is so powerful that you reach for sunglasses or so faint that you squint to seek it — the glorious light and hope of Easter abide with you. Executive Conference...

“Today You Are My Brother!”

A few weeks ago, amidst the chaos of natural disasters and senseless shootings, I arrived in Omaha to serve the Iowa-Nebraska-South Dakota Conferences of the United Church of Christ as an associate conference minister. As I was getting settled, I made an appointment...