How Can My Congregation Help?: 211 Help Center

Dialing 211 helps direct callers to services for, among others, the elderly, the disabled, those who do not speak English, those with a personal crisis, those with limited reading skills, and those who are new to their communities. By simply dialing 211, those in need...

Offering for Funding Future Leadership

Is your church participating in FFL Offering this year? Use the fliers (1st flyer – 2nd flyer) and bulletin inserts (1st bulletin insert – 2nd bulletin insert) to help advertise! Letter from Rev. Heidi Hulme: Happy New Year and New Decade! Each of us is...

Harvard UCC Receives Neighbors in Need Grant

Harvard UCC in Harvard, NE has received a $3,000.00 Neighbors in Need grant for their community outreach project providing food and programming for children and families in need. They are still looking for an additional $1,000 to fully fund their project, if you would...

Introducing our Finance Director and Accounting Clerk

Meet our finance and accounting team! Tina Moore’s introduction is long overdue! Tina has been serving our conferences part-time since last January 2019. She started as a temp and joined our staff officially in July. She is our Accounting Clerk, processing expenses,...

Rural Ministry Immersion Internship

The Rural Immersion Internship is an opportunity to experience the day to day life of a rural pastor, and to discern whether or not your call might include serving rural congregations. Intern activities include, but are not limited to: preaching, visitation, working...

Calling for Prayer and Fasting for Peace

Dear Friends, My hope is that you will see the letter below from the national officers of the United Church of Christ in a variety of ways today. My hope is that you will read it each time it crosses your path. My hope is that in the moments it takes for your eyes to...

Summary of the November Nebraska Board Meeting

This summary is written by Board of Directors Chair Rev. Scott Jones, and not the official minutes of the meeting. On a lovely, sunny, autumn day, your Nebraska Conference Board of Directors gathered for a meeting at Vine Congregational Church in Lincoln Saturday,...