PSA for Phishing Emails

There have been several financial scams in the Quad Cities area involving not for profits being asked to changed direct deposit info from “vendors and providers.” One of our churches in the area experienced (and successfully avoided!) a similar scam. This is a good...

Legal Counsel for Boy Scouts of America

The Insurance Board has been fielding inquiries about liability coverage related to claims from hosting a Boy or Cub Scout Troop at churches. The recent litigation/bankruptcy involving Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has resulted in the shifting of more liability on the...

Tax Information from Heather Kimmel

A Message from Heather Kimmel, General Counsel to the UCC: I am alerting you to a situation that I became aware of on Monday [May 25th, 2021].  As you know, the UCC maintains a federal group tax exemption (since 1964) for the benefit of its Local Churches,...

Kamp Kaleo Bubble Camp Update

An important letter from Youth Ministry Coordinator Holly Gage!: Dear Friends of Youth and Outdoor Ministries, What a year this has been! The Youth and Outdoor Ministries Committee (YOMC) has worked very hard to discern what kind of summer camping opportunity would be...

Church Newsletter Request

We would love to hear about what’s going on in your church so please send us your newsletters! We’d like all printed newsletters to come to the Sioux Falls office. If you’re currently sending them to the Des Moines office, please update the mailing address.    Address...

Placerville Summer Camp Update

A Message from Kerry Steever, Placerville Camp Director: Greetings from Placerville Camp!   We are excited to send out this message to let you know that we will be opening up for summer programming! YAY!! Obviously with COVID still in full swing, as of right now,...

Summary of the TCM Board of Directors January Meeting

The Tri-Conference Board of Directors (TCM BOD) is charged with 2 tasks: 1. Provide structure and resources to staff and administrate the Iowa, Nebraska, and South Dakota UCC Conferences 2. Communicate items of interest between participating conferences that may have...